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Legislative Assembly of Ontario

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Natural Resources Canada states that the cost of home heating for households in Canada in 2023 could be 70% higher than it was in 2020. Rural residents in particular are confronting the possibility of a doubling of their home heating bills. This escalation in expenses adds to the broader economic strain experienced by Canadians. As to the stock market, it is irrelevant to the economy at best, opposite to it at worst. Often if the stock market is going up it means real people are getting crapped on. Investors seem to be allergic to ordinary people catching a break; whenever wages go up, the stock market goes down.

Joint Op-Ed: Clean Electricity – Key to Canada’s Climate Targets

Speaker, in September, I joined the Premier and the Minister of Health to announce that this will include a new 200,000-square-foot women and children’s hospital, which will be the first of its kind in Canada. It will transform how health care is delivered for women and children and families in Mississauga and Etobicoke. As the Minister of Finance said, this is our vision for health care, and I want to thank him again for these investments. Under the leadership of this Premier and this Deputy Premier, the government is also investing over $48 billion in hospital infrastructure, including a historic multi-billion-dollar investment in the complete reconstruction of the Mississauga Hospital. Last month, we hit an important milestone on this project as well, as the RFP process which began last April has now closed. Construction can now begin next year on this project, which will be the largest and most advanced hospital in the history of Canada—almost triple the size of the current hospital, with 24 storeys, three million square feet, 1,000 beds and 80% in private rooms.

'It's disgusting': Quebec minister reacts after body of boy, 14, found near Hells Angels hideout

We provide both the tools and incentives to empower Ontarians, giving them the resources they need to create a more prosperous province, both in terms of the economy and the environment. The resounding call from Canadians is for the federal government to heed this collective voice and promptly remove the carbon tax from home heating bills nationwide. The argument extends beyond a mere aversion to taxation and encapsulates a fundamental belief in the necessity of equitable policies that do not disproportionately burden certain segments of the population. While the federal government has taken a step by announcing the removal of the carbon tax from home heating oil for a three-year duration, the impact of this relief is limited, benefiting only a mere 3% of Canadian households. This fact underscores the need for a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to carbon tax relief that addresses the concerns of the majority. The data from the Leger poll serves as a barometer of public sentiment, and it reinforces the urgency for policymakers to consider a broader strategy that aligns with the values and expectations of Canadians.

Energy & Natural Resources

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Mr. Casello says—and this a direct quote—“There’s really no technical reason, no physical reason why we can’t have two-way, all-day GO service by 2024,” and he’s the University of Waterloo school of planning professor. He says, “It’s time for the province to be serious about this connection.” We agree. It is time for the province to be serious about the Kitchener GO train service. For people that are heating their home, this is having a negative impact. The federal government chose to carve out Atlantic Canada from the carbon tax, yet the federal Liberal caucus makes up half of their caucus in Ottawa. Why are they not carving out home heating costs for the people of Ontario?

Health care

You should read Rex Murphy’s column on the carbon tax and Trudeau. He’s self-destructing on the issue of the carbon tax because he is so conflicted about what his actions are going to be. But I also want to thank my colleague for sitting here in this House and joining our team here and what a tremendous contribution he’s already making here in the province of Ontario and his community.

Central Counties is located North of Toronto

Most striking, however, is the strong sense of growth in Canada’s three largest urban centres. Majorities in every province including Alberta say the economy is growing. Positive evaluations about the economy are highest in Ontario and Quebec (72%) followed by BC (69%). Generationally, Boomers and those in the Silent generation are most positive, but a majority in every generation feels the Canadian economy is growing.

Heavy Industry & Manufacturing

  • Instead of sending out a “please, sir” note to the federal government, Ontario could actually help people cut their electricity bills by investing in their homes and businesses to cut demand.
  • History will not be kind to those in this moment who acted in vengeance.
  • You could actually use your own power, authority and treasury to help people directly now.
  • The people of this country want something that would benefit all Canadians during this winter period and not just a select few.
  • However, when hand held calculators became readily available, school children's willingness to learn the use of the suanpan decreased dramatically.
  • It is an effort that requires leadership and innovative approaches to getting it done.
  • There were only eight trips per day on the Kitchener line.
  • What’s even worse is it compromises people’s already shaky confidence in intercity public transit at a time when we need more people to take transit and not their cars.

I always say that when people show you who they really are, then you should believe them. So our way as the official opposition to try to hold the government to account, which is our job as Ontario’s official opposition—there are only two recognized parties in this House right now. So the increased access to educational opportunities should be a motivator for this government. Owning a car or using ride-sharing services can be expensive for students. You can get a—it’s a ride-share program, and it essentially came out of a sense of desperation, I want to say, that they didn’t have any other options.

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The implications are profound and paint a stark picture of the economic challenges faced by a significant portion of the population. For one thing, the story about immigration, and population growth generally, being good for the economy, is all about GDP growth. I'm generally skeptical of the worth of GDP as a measure in the first place. But to the extent that GDP is worth anything as a measure, it's really only worth anything if it's discussed in terms of GDP per capita.

Government of Canada Publications

And then, of course, there’s a need for flexibility in scheduling. I would love to take the GO train in on a Sunday, late afternoon, early night, to come here to work. It would mean you could spend more time with your family on a Sunday. All of us know across all of the benches in this place that we make a great sacrifice to be away from our families to do this job. So having a GO train on a weekend to get to work for the week would be a game-changer for so many people. The economic driver actually on a weekend train—a professor at the University of Waterloo did this work around tourism, around supporting small businesses, reducing the environmental impact of the parking lot called the 401.

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First-time homebuyers absorb inventory, but they don't put another unit of inventory back in the resale market, and so you get this big drawdown in the supply. Now, what happened was the government stepped in to try to cool that down at one point. There was the BC and Ontario governments, the federal government with a stress test. You have a bit of a buildup in supply in the oil patch but you start to see places like Toronto or Vancouver, which we saw a rapid absorption of supply and really tight market conditions, which starts to affect prices. The bigger thing that happened was, that doesn't get enough attention, in my view because it's the biggest factor is a really big increase, a really big ramp-up in international immigration, which caused a major increase in population growth. Then under the surface of that population growth, even if that wasn't happening, you've also got this really big cohort, arguably, maybe the biggest cohort in our society, known as the millennials.

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And of course, the stock market soars when something breaks down and gives opportunities for big time arbitrage aka profiteering. To hell with the stock market, and to hell with Bloomberg. Oceana Canada was established as an independent charity in 2015 and is part of the largest international advocacy group dedicated solely to ocean conservation. Oceana Canada has successfully campaigned to ban single-use plastics, end the shark fin trade, make rebuilding depleted fish populations the law, improve the way fisheries are managed and protect marine habitat. We work with civil society, academics, fishers, Indigenous Peoples and the federal government to return Canada’s formerly vibrant oceans to health and abundance.

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So we’ve gotten a lot of work done, and of course we’re not going to stop here, Madam Speaker. Metrolinx has undertaken several improvements and is working towards achieving two-way, all-day GO service between Kitchener and Union Station. Since 2018, Metrolinx has completed—we’re going to get into some of the factual stuff here, and I do hope that the members opposite are listening to this, because these are facts and I think it’s important that we get the facts into the conversation today. Since 2018, since we’ve taken power, Metrolinx has completed track upgrades on the Kitchener line so people can get to where they need to go 15 minutes faster.

30 p.m. EDT: What do Canadians want?

  • But perhaps she could find a way to change his mind, to let her stay in Paris and keep working at the store.
  • The “2024 Crypto Crime Report” provides a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency crime.
  • The minister will be familiar with Tim Hudak, the former Conservative leader, who is now the CEO of the Ontario Real Estate Association.
  • 2023 was a year of recovery for the cryptocurrency industry, bouncing back from the chaos of 2022.
  • The number of months of inventory was about maybe 1/10th of 1% one decimal point away from being the tightest it had ever been.

In 2016 alone Orangetheory opened one storefront for each day of the year. We previously wrote a post on the #Selfcare phenomenon that has seized the Millennial generation -if you haven’t had a chance to read it click here to check it out. That post and your conversation got us thinking about how Millennial views on health and healthy lifestyles are unique as compared to other generations. With that in mind, we welcome you to the first installment in a series we are calling, “Millennial Health”.


While the government has opened up a new daycare, as they were proud to announce, we can’t hire the people. The YMCA has talked repeatedly about how they are unable to fill the spots that they have. Of the 35,000 spots that they have, I think 19,000 are empty because they can’t hire ECE workers, and that’s because of the government’s Bill 124, which restricts the pay to those workers.

However, we are seeing encouraging signs in the underlying trends for our signals. Recession probability has decreased, and leading indicators are beginning to improve ever so slightly. The risk – One aspect that may be counter to this view is if we are heading into a global recession of some sort. While European valuations are certainly priced for a tougher go, that region is more sensitive to variances in global economic growth, given its trade profile. As is Japan, given a large portion of sales for the Nikkei are export-related. The truth is, the stars never completely line up, and when they do, it is often too late to do anything because the market has already moved.

  • As most employers and Boomer parents might of noticed, their Millennial interns and children have taken up the mantel of “self-health” with a fervour often reserved  for Apple users and those charity canvassers we avoid eye contact with on street corners.
  • Market cycle indicators were flat the past month and remain close to a more neutral stance.
  • Even 49% of Conservative voters give the government a passing or better grade, as do 67% of NDP voters.
  • Just this year alone, the federal carbon tax is adding about $290 to the average household’s annual natural gas bill, or more than $24 a month.

Around 40% of parents of young Ontario homeowners helped children with purchase: poll

It does so through the proposed extension of gas tax cuts and fuel tax rate cuts until June 30, 2024. We all hear about it as we walk among the members of our community and speak to members in our own communities and our extended families. I have spoken about the undue burden brought on by this tax before, so I am proud to see the work our government is doing to help make life more affordable for Ontarians. As all members of this House already know, our government has made record strides to increase our available housing supply, while also bringing costs down. Whether it’s by enacting the many tranches of our housing supply action plan over the years or through the data standards for planning and development work, my ministry is clearly making efforts to streamline the pre-construction process. And propane is the cleanest of the three; if you look at home heating oil, fuel oil, natural gas and propane, propane is the cleanest, but it’s also the one most prominent in rural Ontario because we have an awful lot of places that natural gas hasn’t gotten to.

It’s making it more expensive for the people of Ontario every single day. We’re surrounded by police officers here this morning, I can only imagine the impact that the carbon tax is having on our police services and our municipalities when they go to fill up their police cruisers to make sure our communities are safe. A heartfelt thanks goes out to Raza Hasan and every member of our local Oakville Muslim community for their commitment to local health care. Seeing the people of Oakville unite to support our hospital is truly inspiring.

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I don’t want to go back too far in history; I want to focus more on the road map to the future and where we were at over the last five or six years to where we’re at now. But it was the NDP that scrapped the GO train from Guelph in 1993, so I just want to make sure that we got that on the record today, because I think that’s important if we look back in history. Because I can’t get abacus market dark web any answers from this government, I actually recently wrote to the federal infrastructure minister. I said, “Listen, the federal government has flowed $786 million to the province for this project. Can you please find out where that money is, where it has been invested or where it has not been invested? ” He essentially sent me back a letter saying, “Yes, good luck with that.

Speaker, those are 2013 dollars; it’s an awfully safe bet that those figures are much, much higher today. Therefore, the Legislative Assembly calls on the government to provide a firm funding commitment and a clear timeline for the delivery of frequent, all-day, two-way GO rail service along the full length of the vital Kitchener GO corridor. But here we are—again, a government that’s taking steps to make Ontario greener and cleaner. Last week, the Toronto Region Board of Trade’s report warned that this government’s changes to planning rules are putting 1.5 million jobs at risk. The Trillium reported that major Conservative Party donors successfully lobbied the former minister to punch a hole in Peel region’s employment zone plans, undermining the integrity of this crucial employment area against the recommendation of civil servants.

It means that 50% of our schools do not have any kind of access to regularly scheduled mental health resources, and nine out of 10 principals in Ontario say they need more support for mental health than what they are getting from this government. What does that mean in tangible terms for our students? It means that many of our students are in overcrowded classrooms. In Ottawa West–Nepean, in some cases the classroom is so crowded that the students can’t even have desks; they have to sit at tables because it’s the only way to pack all the students in. It means that our students who require special education supports aren’t getting those supports that they need, that schools are desperately trying to triage who gets access to the resource teacher, who gets an educational assistant.

Earlier this month, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing confirmed that the RCMP has been in touch with his ministry. They are already sniffing around the cabinet and other members of government caucus who have deep connections to these land speculators. This scandal has already cost the government two cabinet ministers and multiple staff members, not to mention a full year wasted on speculator-friendly policies that had to be reversed because they did not meet the needs of Ontarians. Rootree is spearheading a global movement to achieve a greener packaging identity that addresses all parts of the eco-friendly packaging life cycle.